Our Vision

At Marakhoff Kennels we believe that temperament, health, structure and movement are critical to a successful breeding program.  Our vision of the perfect borzoi will appear as poetry in motion with all balanced structure and lines flowing together exhibiting a power to perform that is unmistakable!  The perfect borzoi will take your breath away and leave you speechless as only art in motion can do. 


Kay Sneath The Judge

I have been judging at the Championship level for 10 years and I am currently licensed to judge Hounds and Toys. I have previously judged in Qld, NSW, Victoria and SA, and have been most honoured to judge on the panel for Hound of The Year at both the Hound Club of Victoria, and the Hound Club of NSW.

Last year I had the honor of judging the Western Hound Classic in the United States held in Oak Canyon park in Orange County California.

With over 1,000 hounds entered at this 2 day event, this is one of the largest Hound Shows on the West Coast. The weather was spectacular, grounds superb, entrants of high quality and the show team was exemplary!  All in all a lovely venue that I would be honoured to precide at as a judge in the future.  Oh, did I forget to mention the great shopping...